Saturday, December 28, 2019

Malaysia Airlines Business Plan - 9468 Words

Business Plan Our Way Forward December 2011 Confidential 5 December 2011 Malaysia Airlines is in crisis. Our combined losses in the first three quarters of 2011 have already exceeded RM1.2 billion, and the final numbers for the year will not improve upon this. The core passenger airline business is chronically challenged. The new Board and Management team, in place for three months, has been hard at work on a plan, referred to as the Business Plan, for Malaysia Airlines. This Business Plan outlines our near-term recovery plan to move us to profitability by 2013, as well as a set of ‘game changers’ to sustain our performance and create a platform for continued growth for Malaysia Airlines’ future. Executing this plan is key to our†¦show more content†¦Irrational exuberance in aircraft orders by Asian airlines is engendering a situation of capacity over-supply and excessive price competition. We expect the current Southeast Asian regional fleet to triple in the next decade. Increasing liberalisation also makes it easier for airl ines to compete outside of their home markets. In the US and Europe, this combination of overcapacity and liberalisation has invariably yielded market consolidation, with only the strongest airlines surviving in their original form. Page 5 To make an already bad situation worse, there is the near-term possibility of a global recession emanating from Europe, and stubbornly high jet fuel prices conspiring to create the perfect storm of immediate turbulence. Without question, our current trajectory is unsustainable and nothing short of dramatic action will reverse our fortunes. Our weekly cash losses are in the millions of Ringgit. If we maintain our current business model, we will be out of cash by the middle of the second quarter of 2012. We will be bankrupt. Beyond the loss of 20,000 jobs, this would mean an indefinite end to connectivity with the many global hubs to which we are connected today. It is unthinkable and yet it is entirely possible. With new, expensive aircraft entering our fleet next year, our financing costs will increase markedly. While these new aircraft are larger and generally enable us to fly at a lower per-passenger cost, we must fill these aircraft to realise theShow MoreRelatedMalaysia Airlines966 Words   |  4 PagesStrategy in the Market Place: Malaysia Airlines (MAS) has announced their new business plan for year 2012, aiming to restore their profitability on the premium sector, as to become the preferred premium carrier. (Business Plan, Our Way Forward, December 2011, page7) By achieving the vision as to become the preferred premium carrier, they will be launching a new regional premium airline. In the first half of 2012, they will launch new short-haul brand, flying an entirely new Boeing 737-800 fleetRead MoreTurning Around Malaysia Airlines1428 Words   |  6 Pages Turning Around Malaysia Airlines Turning Around Malaysia Airlines Table of Content NO | TITLE | PAGE | 1.0 | Executive Summary | 1 | 2.0 | Introduction to Case Study | 1 | 3.0 | BTP1 Assessment | 1 | 3.1 | Financial Analysis | 1 | 3.2 | SWOT Analysis (BTP1) | 2 | 3.3 | BTP1 Turnaround Analysis | 2 | 4.0 | BTP2 Assessment | 3 | 5.0 | Bottlenecks amp; Recommendation | 3 | 6.0 | References | 4 | 7.0 | Appendices | 5 | 1.0 Executive Summary Malaysia Airlines (abbreviated MAS), isRead MoreCase Study Questions On Malaysia Airlines797 Words   |  4 Pagesproblems that Malaysia Airlines brand faced and to provide solutions for the problem. Background Information Malaysia Airlines is the flag carrier of Malaysia and a major airline industry that was born on 12 October 1937 (Rise of an Airline, 2014). Their first commercial flight was ten years later on 2 April 1947 as the national airline from British Strait Settlements to Kuala Lumpur (â€Å"Telekom Malaysia and Malaysia Airlines Synergize Business Relationship†, 2007). In the past, Malaysia Airlines have changedRead MoreE-Commerce Strategies for Airasia1576 Words   |  7 PagesAIR ASIA E-COMMERCE STRATEGIES Low cost per average seat kilometer AirAsia focused on ensuring a competitive cost structure as its main business strategy. It has been able to achieve a cost per average seat kilometer (ASK) of 2.5 cents, half that of Malaysia Airlines and Ryanair and a third that of EasyJet. 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Strengths - Appealing to a large global marketRead MoreThe Missing Malaysia Airline Flight Mh3701672 Words   |  7 Pages Malaysia Airline MH370 Bhavika Ravindra Kitawat Syracuse University â€Æ' Abstract: The missing Malaysia Airline flight MH370 on March 8, 2014 is not only a technical mystery but determines current weaknesses in technical, regulatory and organizational infrastructure of international civil aviation. Safety culture of international civil aviation is the fundamental pillar of success but unfortunately aerial disasters occur. 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I have learned from one of my university course called Airline Business Management that the airline industry is intensively competitive. To survive in this industry the airline business must be strong and has well strategy to overcome every high challenge in the industry. AirAsia has becoming more and more successful. Therefore, I would like to learn more about this airline; learn about their perspectivesRead MoreLeadership Analysis of Antony Fernandes, CEO of AirAsia1698 Words   |  7 Pagesrated as one of the worst performing airlines in Asia. Several years back, it experienced tragic underperformance and reported high levels of losses every fiscal year. This was until another new company bought the organization. The latter company was referred to as Tune Air. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis of Service Quality Parameters Among Co-Operative...

Analysis of Service quality parameters among co-operative banks - a study with respect to Kerala Abstract Measuring customer satisfaction is critical in the process of serving the customer. The importance of improving service quality in the banking industry is highly considered for achieving objectives of the industry in whole. Service quality considerations are comparatively less among co-operative banks in the state due to various reasons. An in depth analysis of the service quality perceptions of their customers is essential to achieve sustainable growth for the sector. The perceived quality is normally assessed based on service quality dimensions such as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The SEVPERF†¦show more content†¦The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) appointed a new commission to form fundamental principles. The commission in its report submitted in 1966 stated the following as the fundamental principles of co-operation: †¢ Voluntary, open and active membership †¢ Democratic control †¢ Member economic participation †¢ Autonomy and Independence †¢ Education, Training and Information †¢ Co-operation among co-operatives †¢ Concern for community 1.2 History of co-operative movement in India India has basically an agrarian economy with 72% of its total population residing in rural areas. The rural people need lot of services in daily life which are met by village co-operative societies. The seeds of cooperation in India were sown in 1904 when the first Cooperative Societies Act was passed. Since then, the cooperative movement has made significant progress. Cooperatives have extended across the entire country and there are currently an estimated 230 million members nationwide. The cooperative credit system of India has the largest network in the world and cooperatives have advanced more credit in the Indian agricultural sector than commercial banks. The village cooperative societies provide strategic inputs for the agricultural sector, consumer societies to meet their consumption requirements at concessional rates; marketing societies help the farmer to get remunerative prices and co-operative processing units help in value ad ditions to the rawShow MoreRelatedComparative Study of Commercial Banks and Co-Operative Banks20279 Words   |  82 PagesCOMPARATIVE STUDY OF COMMERCIAL BANKS AND CO-OPERATIVE BANKS Introduction The robust macroeconomic environment continued to underpin the financial performance of Indian banks during 2004-05, with major bank groups successfully weathering the impact of an upturn in interest cycle. 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In the meantime, Coconut cultivation also got spread over in many regions other than the traditional areas like Tamil Nadu, in a significant way. Prominent among the states other than Tamil Nadu, which have promoted coir industry, are Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The Coir Industry in Tamil Nadu presently provides direct employment to about 3.60 lakhs persons including those who are employed for part of the year. It is a fact thatRead MoreNbfc13828 Words   |  56 PagesINTRODUCTION: We studied about banks, apart from banks the Indian Financial System has a large number of privately owned, decentralised and small sized financial institutions known as Non-banking financial companies. In recent times, the non-financial companies (NBFCs) have contributed to the Indian economic growth by providing deposit facilities and specialized credit to certain segments of the society such as unorganized sector and small borrowers. 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TableRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesmajority were almost invariably lives of drudge labor in urban sweatshops, on tropical plantations, or on the wharves of an expansive, global export economy. Throughout the century, advances in human rights, which were spread ever more broadly among different social groups—including women, laborers, INTRODUCTION †¢ 3 ethnic minorities, and gays—made strides that were perhaps greater than all of those achieved in previous history combined. During the same time span, however, state

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Contrast and Compare Young Goodman Brown and The Ministers Black Veil free essay sample

The Great Gatsby In the book The Great Gatsby the character Nick Carraway is a young man who comes from money which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on ones character. People with great financial freedom who lived in the 1920s seemed to have such a lavish life style. F. Scott Fitzgeralds tells of the differences in his novel by showing the varying virtues that come with this type of lifestyle. As Nick Carraway makes his way to New York City he does not loose his sense of self. And as we go through this story with Nick an read about the extravagance that was so prevalent in that era, we see that Nick holds on to some of the simplicity of being from out West, as a symbol of this his house is in West Egg the lesser of the two Eggs. He also holds on to the lessons his dad taught him, one in paticular: Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world havent had the advantages that youve had. (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 5). Nick has learned this lesson so well he watches what he says about everything that he see and he is also careful of his own actions. At one point Gatsby asks Nick if he makes enough money as a bonds man; and offers him a job with Wolfsheim. Even though there is the possibility that he could make better money, this business is illegal, and it would go against his character. But Nick says, no thanks chooses to not judge Gatsby on what is right or wrong. The rich of East Egg want to be seen as proper and they put on a great facade, however, Nick sees right through it and is disgusted by the culture and the individuals that live there. After spending one afternoon with his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan Nick realizes that they are a dysfunctional bunch. And even though they are related to him Nick dislikes the environment of East Egg. In fact, Nick notices that they are more interested in gossiping then they are in him, a family member. And thinks to himselfTheir interest rather touched me and made them seem less remotely rich~nevertheless, I was confused and a little disgusted as I drove away.(F. Scott Fitzgerald, 24-25). Here, Nick demonstrates that he sees the Buchanans fake concern towards him which makes them seem lesser then what they portray. He also perceives the constant lying that goes on as people choose to confide in him, but what is said is never truths and Nick never actually admits to anyone he knows about their lies. Catherine who is  Myrtles sister, tells Nick that Daisy will not divorce Tom because she is Catholic, Nick is, a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie (F. Scott Fitzgerald, 38). At this point, Nick knows that the only reason Tom told Catherine this is because he hopes to make his marriage seem real. Tom knows that the only reason Daisy is married to him is because of his money. Nick sees how the the people of East Egg cannot take the reality because they have to maintain that facade at all cost. And even though Nick comes from the same background and money he is troubled by the life these individuals pursue. As I read on, Nick seems to me to be very honest and living in the present, not in lies of the others. He also is steadfast in his beliefs and does not deviate from his convictions. Nick explains his honesty when he affirms, I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known (F. Scott, Fitzgerald, 64). Nick is not only honest with himself, he also wants others to see the truth as he sees it. Even though he is aware that the money of East Egg brings with it a certain status and power, Nick sees Gatsby from the inside and realizes that he is better then the Buchanans. The Buchanans and the residents of East Egg tell lies with no purpose other then selfishness. Nick becomes aware that Gatsbys lying ways are due to the fact that he is in love with Daisy and he lies to impress her. And in all this discovery, Nick says to Gatsby, Theyre a rotten crowd, I shouted across the lawn, Youre worth the whole damn bunch put together (F. Scott,Fitzgerald, 162). Nicks personality clashes with his friends inability to be honest, in order to maintain his honesty and not loose himself, he always tells the truth. Even though the characters in the novel continue to tell stories to survive their own lives, Nick chooses to stay true to who he is, an honest man. Nick sets a tone through his narration that he did not want to be intertwined into these characters lives or lies for that matter.And with everything that goes on around him he seems cool and collected. But at one point in the story you could feel his uneasiness, when Gatsby asked him to invite Daisy to lunch. Nick just seemed to be able to stay on the margins, maybe because his old fashioned up bringing taught him to respect boundaries. Or maybe Nick was just one of those characters that knew to mind his own business. When Gatsby burst out saying that Daisy was in love with him and never loved Tom, Nick wanted to leave and he wasnt the only one trying to excuse himself, Jordan Baker to  wanted to make her way out, At this point Jordan and I tried o go out but Tom and Gatsby insisted with competitive firmness that we remain (F. Scott, Fitzgerald, 138). As we see Nick keeps on the outside, orbiting his friends lives, but it shows that as hard as it might be because he knows everything about everyone he chooses to not make a vocal judgement on any one. For Nick being from money didnt change him as he experienced life in he East. He chose to stay with the simplicity of the Midwest by staying on West Egg even though he was neighbors with Gatsby, and this is shown by the simplicity of the small cottage he rented for that summer. His virtues as taught by his father, the values that come from growing up in the Midwest were so ingrained in his person that he did not fall pray to the eccentric and lying ways of the rich of East Egg. Nick Carraway told the story from an honest and non judgmental perspective.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Investment Evaluation of Renewla or Replacement of A Machine

Question: Discuss about the Investment Evaluation of Renewla or Replacement of a Machine. Answer: Introduction Lifestyle Furniture is a leading online retailer of solid hardwood furniture. The company provides a large variety of ranges of furniture and wishes to improve its production line by investing in new generation craft machinery. The company is in a dilemma whether to renew the existing machinery or replace it with a new one. Relevant cash flows have been developed for both the options and the respective NPV, IRR and PI have been calculated to decide which option is better in terms of profitability and timely return of investment. An NPV profile has been developed for both the options to see which has a better NPV profile. The incremental cash flows have been later adjusted for the effect of inflation. A base case scenario has been performed for both the alternatives where the companys expected profits have been considered as the base case and depending on these profits, the sales and operating and maintenance costs have been adjusted to see the changes in NPV and other NPV techniques. Investment Evaluation Incremental Operating Cash Flows The incremental operating cash flows have been prepared for both the alternatives by deducting all operating outflows like raw material, overhead, operating costs, advertising and marketing expenses, depreciation and interest on bank loan. The net income has been calculated after deducting taxes. The operating cash flows have been calculated by adding depreciation to net income. The net cash flows have been discounted by the cost of capital. The initial investment for alternative 1 comprises of cost of renewal, opportunity cost of not selling the machine and increase in working capital. The initial investment for alternative 2 comprises of cost of new machine, after tax proceeds from sale of old machine and increase in working capital. There is a terminal cost at the end of the project which includes all the cash flows on liquidation. The table of incremental cash flows is given in the appendices. NPV, IRR and PI Alternative 1 Alternative 2 NPV $ 2,60,512 $ 6,32,774 IRR 54% 82% PI 2.5 3.5 Based on the above incremental cash flow analysis, the company should opt for alternative 2 as it has higher NPV. A project with positive NPV is acceptable and higher the NPV the better it is. Also if the IRR is more than the required rate of return, the project is acceptable. A profitability index of more than 1 is acceptable. Since both the projects have positive results but since alternative 2 has higher NPV, IRR and PI the company should opt for replacing the old machine with a new one. NPV and IRR profile NPV profile is the graphical representation of NPV at different required rates of return. The below graph represents the NPV profile for both the alternatives at given required rates of return: From the above table we see that alternative 2 has a better NPV at all levels of required rates of return. The alternative 2 NPV line lies above the 1st alternative throughout. Hence we can say that there is no conflict in ranking between NPV and IRR because at all levels of IRR, alternative 2 only has better NPV and hence is preferred. Impact of Inflation Due to an inflation of 3.5% p.a, there is an increase in the operating and maintenance costs, advertising and marketing costs and overhead costs. Due to an increase in the above costs, there would be change in incremental operating net cash flows for both the alternatives. The cash flows will reduce. Due to a decrease in net operating cash flows, the NPV, IRR and PI will decrease for both the alternatives. The new operating incremental cash flows and capital budgeting techniques are given in appendices. The change in NPV, IRR and PI is presented in the table below: Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Before Inflation After Inflation Before Inflation After Inflation NPV $ 2,60,512 $ 2,22,359 $ 6,32,774 $ 5,96,510 IRR 54% 48% 82% 78% PI 2.5 2.3 3.5 3.3 Base Case Scenario The base case here would be the expected profits of the company for the next five years which is $130000 in the first year and a 2.9% increase every year. The base case scenario does not apply to alternative 1 because the total net income for the project is $627,842 whereas the total expected profits are $688,809. Since the base case profits are more than project 1 profits, hence the scenario does not apply. For alternative 2, the sales and operating and maintenance costs have been altered to make the project just feasible for the company. The changes are presented in the table below: Sales Operating and maintenance costs % change Decrease by 18.24% Increase by 167% Total Net Profit $688797 $688815 NPV $283282 $269184 IRR 47% 44% PI 2.1 2.1 From the above table we see that sales were reduced by 18% to bring the project to being just feasible. This reduced the NPV, IRR and PI of the project. Even though the above items have reduced but the project is still feasible to the company because the NPV is positive, IRR is more than required rate of return and PI is more than 1. There is a huge change in operating and maintenance costs. The costs were increased by 167% to make the project just feasible for the company. This means that this cost is low as compared to other costs. Leasing Decision Lease can be either Operating lease or a Financial Lease. Under operational lease, the ownership of the asset is never transferred to the lessee whereas under financial lease the ownership of the asset is transferred at the end of lease term. Leasing is advantageous in term of tax savings. Lease rental is tax deductible, so is the depreciation. Since ownership rights are not available with the company, it is not advisable to go for lease as for tax savings depreciation is available and purchase of asset increases the companys assets. The operating lease is for a short term and hence for a project 5 years if operation, the lease would have to be renewed which is expensive and time consuming. Operating lease is considered an expense for the company whereas finance lease is considered a liability. An increased liability affects the credibility of the company in terms of acquiring a loan; hence the same is not advisable. Moreover, Lifestyle furniture is a profit making company and hence should use its earnings for purchase of asset rather than opting for a lease. WACC The weighted average costs of capital have been calculated using the book value and market value weights. The WACC is presented below: Book Value Market Value Source of Capital costs Book Value Weights Cost of capital Market Value Weights Cost of capital Long term debt 6% 4000000 0.784 0.032 3840000 0.55 0.02 preference share capital 13% 40000 0.007 0.001 60000 0.008 0.001 ordinary share equity 17% 1060000 0.207 0.035 3000000 0.434 0.073 Total 5100000 6.9% 6900000 9.8% The WACC is higher for market value weights of the different source of capital. This is because the cost of equity is the highest and the market value weights of equity is higher as compared to book value weight, thus a high weighted cost of equity has led to an overall increase in WACC. The preference share capital hardly has any effect on the WACC. Conclusion/ Recommendation On the basis of the above analysis, it is clear that the company should opt for alternative 2 of replacing the old machine with the new one. This is because the proposal has a higher NPV, IRR and PI. Also one of the main reasons is that alternative 1 of renewing the existing machine does not satisfy the base case scenario of the company of the minimum profits the company is expecting in the next five years. The total profits are lower than the expected profits. Whereas alternative 2 will be able to generate more than the total expected profits of the firm. Hence, the company should go ahead with replacing the old machine with a new one. Appendices Incremental Cash Flows NPV and IRR Profile Impact of Inflation Base case Scenario

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Anual General Meetings Essay Example

Anual General Meetings Essay The affairs of the group/club shall be controlled by a committee comprising the Officers and (number) other members elected from, and by, the Members of the group/club.  The notice from the AGM will given by the club secetery in advance so that everybody will have a notice to attend. The AGM will have all the reports from officers from the managment commitee and statment of the audited acounts. All nominations for officer roles will be sent to the secotory of the AGM so elections will take place at the AGM. Anyone hwo is a member of the group or club has the right to vote. The quorum for AGMs shall be (number-usually 25 percent of the membership). Failure to achieve a quorum shall involve the existing Officers and General Committee remaining in their posts until a quorum is attained at a subsequent Annual General Meeting. The AGM has the right to call more meetings which are Extra-ordinary General Meetings. Its duties involve controlling the affairs of the group/club, to keep accurate accounts from the Treasurer, to make decisions based on a group and club vote but the chair should have the priority to decide if there is a tie vote. Discipline and appeals:  If there are any complaints against the club then they need to be sent in writing to the secetory of the commitee. The managment commitee will meet to listen to complaints within a week after the complaint has been seen too.  The commitee has the power to take out any dissiplinary action such as termination of membership. In respect to the person who made the complait a response should be sent back. Its the managment of the commitee who will make a decision on what action to carry out after days of recieving it form the secetory.In the event of a member being asked to resign his membership, no reimbursement of Annual membership fee will be considered. We will write a custom essay sample on Anual General Meetings specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Anual General Meetings specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Anual General Meetings specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Any playing member failing to advise the Captain/Vice-Captain, following selection, of his inability to play, shall be subject to suspension, at the discretion of the General Committee  Dissolution:  A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at the AGM/EGM through a majority vote form members.  In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain shall become the property of a govering body or a similer club focusing on the same objectives.Sportsmatch concentrates on improving the participation result in grass-roots and this is their main attraction.It is a sponsership scheme targeted at novice/amateur sport managed by the Institute of Sports sponcership and funded by the department for Culture, media and sport through grant aidby sports england. Sponcership is a common way of getting funds. But think how many people request sponsors all over the world and as a result it has become very competitive. To get a good deal we have to think about our approach. Not all sponcers involve finanial assistance. They can provide services, personal or products in exchange e.g.-football kit for a football team.  Donations  Never be scared of strangers! There mabye plenty of people who will be willing to donate funds. Ways we can increase our chances of gaining donations is by understanding the individuals or organisations motivations for donating to sporting and recreational organisations. Grants  There are lots of grants available.  First applications can be made to he National Governing body which comes under the unbrella of the WNU. It can provide grants for your sports.  You can apply to your local Local Authority which is Cardiff City Council. This is within the local community, this is the main source of funding for facilities, any facilities privatly owned, all areas are locally funded.The administrator of the Local Authority gives grants to our local communitys.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Origin of Trust and Its Impact on Technology

On by Steve Abrams The essential feature underlying all psyops and perception management operations is trust. Gaining a victim's confidence, establishing credibility with the victim, or even creating an environment conducive to the willing suspension of disbelief on the part of the victim are all forms of developing a trust relationship between the victim (defensive actor) and perpetrator (offensive actor). Developing a trust relationship is also the first step in various techniques of hacking, phreaking, and social engineering in which the defensive actors are computers, telephone switches, and people, respectively. Why do we trust so readily? For that matter, what is trust? What are its biological or evolutionary origins? How does it impact our technology? At first glance, trust seems to be a social construction in that it involves two or more self-aware individuals. Solitary individuals have no need of trust, though they may need the same pattern recognition skills necessary to develop a sense of trust. For example, they may learn to trust certain aspects of Nature, such as the Sun rising in the east, because the pattern repeats itself consistently, but the trust is in one direction only, without reciprocity. "Trust is earned" is a familiar theme in our culture that suggests a certain experiential aspect to the nature of trust. Trust seems conceptually conflated with cooperation, another social construct of two or more individuals. After all, where is the incentive for cooperation between parties when there is no trust (that both parties will benefit from the cooperation) between parties? Trust in a human context, then, might be considered to be a faith in the consistency of a pattern of observed beneficial results from cooperation. But how could such cooperation develop in the first place, given that natural selection is a rather selfish process (i.e... Free Essays on The Origin of Trust and Its Impact on Technology Free Essays on The Origin of Trust and Its Impact on Technology On by Steve Abrams The essential feature underlying all psyops and perception management operations is trust. Gaining a victim's confidence, establishing credibility with the victim, or even creating an environment conducive to the willing suspension of disbelief on the part of the victim are all forms of developing a trust relationship between the victim (defensive actor) and perpetrator (offensive actor). Developing a trust relationship is also the first step in various techniques of hacking, phreaking, and social engineering in which the defensive actors are computers, telephone switches, and people, respectively. Why do we trust so readily? For that matter, what is trust? What are its biological or evolutionary origins? How does it impact our technology? At first glance, trust seems to be a social construction in that it involves two or more self-aware individuals. Solitary individuals have no need of trust, though they may need the same pattern recognition skills necessary to develop a sense of trust. For example, they may learn to trust certain aspects of Nature, such as the Sun rising in the east, because the pattern repeats itself consistently, but the trust is in one direction only, without reciprocity. "Trust is earned" is a familiar theme in our culture that suggests a certain experiential aspect to the nature of trust. Trust seems conceptually conflated with cooperation, another social construct of two or more individuals. After all, where is the incentive for cooperation between parties when there is no trust (that both parties will benefit from the cooperation) between parties? Trust in a human context, then, might be considered to be a faith in the consistency of a pattern of observed beneficial results from cooperation. But how could such cooperation develop in the first place, given that natural selection is a rather selfish process (i.e...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ballard Part 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ballard Part 2 - Research Paper Example In this case, they would get an opportunity to work at different locations. Thus, they can break the boredom of working at a single location which they do not like or ease their discomfort of working in a bad location. Employees from food division and female employees find it difficult to reach the workplace and go back home. To handle this aspect, BIMS might plan for arranging a vehicle for the employees, from prime locations in the town. This vehicle would work as per the shift timings of BIMS, have set stops and connect all the areas where most employees come from. This would ward off the stress in the minds of employees on how to reach home or office in time. The employees must be allowed to participate in planning their hours of work, along with their manager or supervisor. Monthly efforts planning sessions could be held with the employees and their respective higher-ups. In these one-to-one sittings, they get to discuss their limitations, constraints and personal appointments during the planning period with the managers and schedule their shifts and hours of work accordingly. This participative intervention would make the employees feel heard to. They understand that the management is concerned with their problems and thus, build their trust and morale towards work and the organization. Further, this exercise gives the employees the feel that their supervisors are according them due respect, treating them in a fair manner. This would aid in building better rapport between the employees and their supervisors and reducing the dislike for the supervisors, which is found to be the main reason behind leaving BIMS, by many employees. Training should be provided to the employees with respect to work. These training programs must target in increasing their confidence levels, raise their enthusiasm and equip them well. The preparation must make them ready to take up work. Focus on improving the communication within organization is also

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

My experience in online class with my favorite assignment, things Essay

My experience in online class with my favorite assignment, things which I could have done better, my strengths and weakness - Essay Example I find online learning very useful as I can manage my time and resources well. During my online class for English 095, I have had a valuable experience of learning my favorite subject and also doing many things which needed my attention. It gave me freedom to learn, less or no disturbances from fellow learners, less home work assignments and I was always attentive as I knew I had little time with my coach online. I appreciate that education system has brought up this concept for learners like myself who want to upgrade without bothering the mundane schedule of work. My favorite assignment: It’s quite difficult to point out one particular assignment out of all that I have done. Still, given a choice I would say one of my favorite among all would be narrative assignment. As the assignment suggests it has to be a story based with opening, plot or body of the story, characters, situation and an ending which pulls the reader more close to my work. I liked this because I had to beco me more visualizing, creative and dramatic so that my story has the hero, heroine, villain and situation which weaved in well for a narrative assignment. This gave me an opportunity to read more books, look situations differently and look out for the phrases or vocabulary which could be explicitly used in my work.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sport Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Sport Psychology - Essay Example This could turn into a motivating environment and drive better performance, provided the person in confident and good in what he or she is doing. However, if the person is not sure of his or her abilities, it could also very well turn out to be an anti-climax as the presence of people would worsen the level of confidence and eventually degenerate the performance of the individual. The concept of social facilitation becomes all the more important when it comes to sports. Since, every sport in the world has an audience, it is imperative that the athlete should be mentally geared to face the audience. In the highly competitive world of mind games, psychological toughness is of Herculean importance. Confidence is a factor that separates the great from the good and it comes with practice and self-belief. Hence, a good performer can be made to do perform better by introducing motivational factors like cheerleaders. If a person is lacking in skill, it can always be made up through hard work and training. However, if this lag is coupled with the pressure of performing under an audience, it will only make things worse (Watt & Ramakers, 2003). Hence, such an individual needs to practice alone at first, in the absence of an audience to boost up confidence levels and to instill faith in his or her own abilities. The next step would be to mentally train and prepare to cope with the pressure of playing in the presence of an audience. A person lacking mental grit needs to put it a lot of effort to face his or her worst fear which is more often than not, failure. If one can overcome this fear, half the battle is won. This process of mentally tuning up would also involve external as well as internal stimuli. The role of external stimulus is usually played by the coach and self-motivation does the rest of the job. A t-test was conducted to understand this phenomenon of social facilitation. A t-test is usually performed to compare and analyse the performance results of two groups. A group of six individuals, comprising of both men and women were asked to participate in an event. The first set of readings was taken with all participants competing alone as individuals. Then, they were made to participate together as a team. The results obtained from this exercise were also tabulated. A rather interesting trend was observed throughout the course of this test. It was observed that all of them took more time to finish the event when they were co-acting. This could be directly inferred from the values of mean and standard deviation in both cases. The mean time while the group was co-acting was 231 seconds compared to a mere 98.6 seconds in the case of individual competition. The standard deviation figures too indicated a similar trend. Usually, standard deviation is used to determine the degree of va riation. In the case of individual competition, the standard deviation was 23.8 and it was 120.6 while the participants were co-acting. This gives a clear indication of social facilitation playing a strong impact on all the individuals present in the group. All the participants performed better when they were competing as individuals. However, their performance was found to deteriorate when they were co

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Role Of Religion In International Relations

The Role Of Religion In International Relations In this book, it is informed that how vital is religion in international relations. The resurgence of religion seen as the driving force behind the clash of civilizations. According to Pavlos Hatzopoulos and Fabio Petito, religion remains as a threat to international relations own existence. In other words, politics with reference of religion became a threat to security, order and civility. PART I INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY AND RELIGION Resurgence of religion and cultural pluralism in international relations challenged the Western culture of modernity and the institutions of international society. This resurgence is part of the larger crisis of modernity. It reflects a deeper and more widespread disillusionment with a modernity that reduces the world to what can be perceived and controlledthrough reason, science, technology and bureaucratic rationality , and leaves out considerations of the religious, the spiritual, or the sacred. And also, the global resurgence of religion is the failure of the modernizing, secular state to produce both democracy and development in the Third World. Moreover, the global resurgence of religion can be seen as a revolt against the West in developing countries.  [1]   People always want to belong to different faith communities or to none. Now, there is a growing evidence in international relations to what different kind of religious perspectives may have offer to the world. The rejection of the study of religion is more stronger in international relations than in most other social sciences. The common ethical principles among the main world religions on war, peace, the just war, pacifism, human rights and peace building are identified by the scholars in international relations, Christian Ethics, and Religious Studies. These social ethics are also examined by various nongovernmental organizations such as the World Conference on Religion and Peace (Amman, Jordon, 1999) and the Parliament of the Worlds Religions.  [2]   Deep pluralism focuses the approach called virtue-ethics. It focuses on virtues, practisesand community rather than the individual or or a cosmopolitan community of humankind as a whole. The necessary dinstinction between theology(faith) and reason and leaded this question, which is superior faith or reason? A virtue-ethics approach shows how humanitarian practises can help to build up communuties in their faith as well as empower them as part of development. It maybe the case that two should go together if there is to be lasting political stability, democracy and development.  [3]   Theological and religious thinking causes debates about the role of the culture on the international politics. The presumed unity of ethics and politics mostly disappered along with it . The concequences of extinction , and the changes in theoretical perspective entailed other political models or view points . A community is not merely an artificial set of arrangemets between people. An it certainly cannot be a moral community. Humans create the state out of their own self interest means that the state can exist only so long as it appeals to peoples sinful needs rather than to any capacity for virtue tahat e denies most possess in any case. And also people obey law because it is in their self interest to do so, not because they believe it is the morally correct thing to do so. For him does not consider political activity to be natural to people nor does he believe that people engage in politics for y reason except promoting their own self interest. The article analyzes several specif ic theological views on multiculturalism in world politics, including religious pluralism, apologetics and syncretism.  [4]  Each of these perspectives challenge the exclusivist views of religion. Theological pluralism has many similarities with liberalism, yet analyses more deeply and ultimately challenge liberalisms Enlightenment presuppositions. On the other hand, apologetics is a dialogical processes which are designed to overcome the problems associated with alterity apologetics is a dialogical processes which are designed to overcome the problems associated with alterity. Syncretist religious ethics points to the contingency and multiplicity of identity. Taking these approaches seriously may well resonate with the aspects of the English School.  [5]   It shouldnt be ignored that traditional preoccupation with the problem of power in assessing the value of theological ethics. Stressing power similarities and differences, and differences including whether religious practices reinforce or challenge dominant economic and political structures of power is a contribution to the study of religion. PART II WAR, SECURITY, AND RELIGION Often the political resurgence of religious communities is accompanied by violent clashes in and between nations among others. We can give as examples; the bloody conflicts in Algeria, Bosnia, East Timor, Kashmir, Nigeria, Palestine and Sri Lanka. Primordialists argue that differences in religious traditions should be viewed the most important variable to explain violent interactions in and between nations. The resurgence of religion represents a big challenge to the existing status quo. Primordialists argue that differences in religious traditions should be viewed the most important variable to explain violent interactions in and between nations.  [6]  Instrumentalists think that conflicts may be aggravated by divergent religious creeds but they insist that the yare rarely if ever caused by them. According to them, the correlation between violent clashes and resurgence of religion is not surprising but it is necessary.  [7]  By contrast, moderate constructivists argue that a cts of violence requiers legitimization and religion and religious leaders provide such legitimization.  [8]   There is three theorethical perspectives on the impact of faith on political conflict: primordialism, instrumentalism, and moderate constructivism. In this view, cultural similarities and dissimilarities produce converging and diverging state interests. Most religious conflicts in international politics are asymmetric. States which have similar religious traditions and cosmologies will want to form alliances against whom they share little cultural and religious ideas. Violence will be largely confines to interactions that take place between civilizations. Under the conditions of scarcity and value pluralism, conflicts among groups are a universal feature of social life. They can not be avoidedbut must be taken as a result of human nature.  [9]  The sources of conflicts are usually very complex. Religious factors sometimes play a subordinate role as a source of conflicts. There is four determinants of elites strategic choices. The first one is; the degree of mobilization depends on the nature of conflict. The second one is; the degree of mobilization depends on the self-sacrificing attitudes of the groups members. The more commited the more to invest time and resources, the more practicable will be. The other determinant is; the degree of mobilization depends on the relationship between the conflict parties. And lastly, the degree of societal support depends on the public justification for the use of violence. Also there is two conditions for a successful implementation of the dialogue strategy. First, there is a dilemma between the different religious communuties. Before they resist against the violence, they have to be sure about the other communuties do the same. If this does not happen,peace would become the stupid according to conservative scholars. Secondly, all great religious communuties are more or less entangled in violent political clashes. The sources of conflicts are usually very complex. Religious factors sometimes play a subordinate role as a source of conflicts. Since the end of the Cold War, conflicts and wars are less because of political or ideological systems. And also they are not much caused by economic motives or territorial and because of gaining power. The motivations of conflicts are increasingly related to culture and identity. Or in other words, conflicts cause by ethnic or clash of civilizations. The resurgence of religion represents a big challenge to the existing status quo. And also they are not much caused by economic motives or territorial and because of gaining power. Most religious conflicts in international politics are asymmetric. Often secular states are attacked by religious groups. A threat from a religious group known for using terrorist methods. And this situation generally seen as a direct threat to sovereignty of the state. A religious attack on a secular state can be seen as one of the three main ways in which religion can be addressed within the realm of security politics  [10]  : A religious group is considered to be a threat to the survival of the state. Faith is seen as threatened by whoever or whatever nonreligious actor or process (the state, technology, industrialism, modernism, etc.). Faith is seen as threatened by another religious discourse or actor. Especially securitization on behalf of secularization against fundamentalism justifies many violations of democracy and civil liberties around the world. From a secular platform, religion as such can be depicted as a threat to political culture. On this issue international relations theory is not neutral observer as it pretends to be. It is implicated by its own secularist self perception.  [11]   PART III POLITICIZING RELIGION: TOWARD A NEW GLOBAL ETHOS? Inclusivism strives for a religious identitiy that exceed the locus of the sovereign state and the time frame of the present; it alternatively rests on a future fulfillment. Inclusivist religion can help to diminish the obstacles to a needed and desirable reconciliation of science, reason and sprituality.  [12]  Religion can bring clarity and charity to debates about a range of grievances regarding past abuses. Humane global govarnance can only ocur as the outcome of human struggle and to past efforts to overcome colonialism, slavery. The cultural division between East and West was historically neat and rigid. Between Christian and Islamic spirituality we can see familiar themes, but also a kind of sea change. In the Islamic context, intellectual spirituality is not a compact movement and it subscribe to a unified doctrine. Desecularization becomes a very important dimension of the intellectual and historical context. In this context, religion becomes an increasingly important factor in transnational and international relations. Because of the significance of religion in political arena, the Islamic resurgence in twentieth century viewed as the rise of political Islam. As a consequence, while the resurgence involves many dimensions, its political impacts received more attention. Political Islam have many types of movements. There have been movements advocating internal legal reform, the transformation of social institutions through legislation as well as social persuasion, revolutionary change of the political regime or political system. The resurgence of political Islam represents a big challenge to the existing status quo. And also it means that it is a challenge to political systems institutions and their moral and intellectual foundations.  [13]   The context of international relations has been experiencing significant transformations. Many older slogans, paradigms and ideologies that had shaped conceptual frameworks have been discredited or replaced. The collapse of Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War encouraged many to look for and identify new global threats, new enemies and conflicts. For some, political Islam became the next threat and global terrorism. But the realities of Muslim politics reflect a more complex and dynamic reality. The resurgence of religion and ethnicity has been global. Relations between Islam and the West show a process of conflict and change. Islamic jihads and Western clash of civilizations face new realities. Islamically inspired schools, medical clinics,hospitals, social services and financial institutions increased. Islamic parties demonstrated their ability to participate within the system and provide a political alternative to the regimes.Ä ±slamic activists served in cabinets became prime ministers and presidents.  [14]  The terrorism of 11 September highlighted the importance of the struggle within the Muslim world between the violent jihadist vision and the visions of pluralism and dialogue.  [15]  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Evil in Shakespeares Macbeth - Lady Macbeth as a Second Eve :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Different Faces of Evil - Lady Macbeth as a Second Eve    Natural disasters in newspaper headlines, literature, video games, Hollywood movies, gapers at accidents, TV series in the afternoon - they all prove the our fascination about the evil, about death and violence. The evil in Macbeth is clearly omnipresent and an almost endless theme for different analysis. The role of Lady Macbeth is interesting on many levels of interpretation, but I shall focus on her way of being evil and her way of interacting with other characters in the play. Lady Macbeth is characterized at least as complex as her husband, although she is not the traditional tragic hero in the play. She doesn't only show the trait of being the evil but also many other, very human, traits.    The above was provided to give the student an idea of the content of the paper.   The complete paper begins below.    Bosheit ist eine Art Delirium und verwirrt den Verstand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Friedrich II von Preussen    Prà ¼fe das Innere jedes beliebigen Menschen - in jedem wirst du wenigstens einen dunklen Punkt finden, den er verhà ¼llen muss. (Bernick)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ibsen, Die Stà ¼tzen der Gesellschaft III    Natural disasters in newspaper headlines, literature, video games, Hollywood movies, gapers at accidents, TV series in the afternoon - they all prove the our fascination about the evil, about death and violence. The evil in Macbeth is clearly omnipresent and an almost endless theme for different analysis. The role of Lady Macbeth is interesting on many levels of interpretation, but I concentrate on her way of being evil and her way of interacting with other characters in the play. Lady Macbeth is characterized at least as complex as her husband, although she is not the traditional tragic hero in the play. She doesn't only show the trait of being the evil but also many other, very human, traits. Her interaction with Macbeth and the other characters passes on different levels: She plays the charming serpent, she's a perfect strategist and she's probably, before her fall, the most self-confident and straight person in the play. And, she succeeds in achieving even more influence on her husband than the witches. Therefore it is worth to deal with   an analysis of her conduct, which will show that she has many faces - though all of them are a sign of her evocation of the evil and, make her to a second Eve in the fall of men.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Summary of Professional Development 1, Chapter 5 – 7

To make sure the best solution will be generated once the problem is defined, guidance of idea generation techniques is significantly important in breaking down the barriers to generating. Mental blocks are mainly the hindrance on the progress toward a solution. Mental blocks can be divided into seven blocks, which are conceptual, perceptual, emotional, cultural, environmental, intellectual and expressive blocks. Goman’s blockbusters can be used to overcome these blocks. For example, Goman's Blockbusters Block| Blockbuster| 1. Negative Attitude| 1. Attitude Adjustment| 2. Fear of Failure| 2. Risk Taking| 3.Following the Rules| 3. Breaking the Rules| 4. Over-reliance on Logic| 4. Creative Internal Climate| 5. Belief That You Aren't Creative| 5. Creative Beliefs| After that, use brainstorming to generate solutions to the problem. Process of generating solutions is started with free association – that is, writing down all available suggestions without judgment of the feasi bility. Free association can be used to generate the initial set of ideas. When the flow of suggestions becomes low, triggers can be used to rejuvenate the rate of suggestions, which are vertical thinking, lateral thinking, TRIZ, cross-fertilization, and futuring.Vertical thinking can be used to build on previous ideas and generate new ideas. One of the vertical thinking techniques is Osborn’s checklist, to adapt, modify, magnify, minify, substitute, rearrange and combine. Lateral thinking is to use random stimulation and other people’s views when in a rut. Futuring is a blockbusting technique to remove all technical blocks to envision a solution in the future. The rules for futuring are relatively simple, try to imagine the ideal solution without regard to whether it is technically feasible.The fishbone diagram can be used in organizing brainstorming ideas. It can be very helpful in visualizing all the ideas which have been generated. Analogies and cross-fertilization are to bring ideas, phenomena, and knowledge from other disciplines to bear on the problem and lastly, TRIZ is to resolve contradictions. Once the real problems have been defined and some potential solutions have been generated, decision on which problem to address first and which actions should be taken to address this problem should be made.After that, the best solution from the possible alternatives should be selected. Lastly, decision on how to avoid additional problems as implementing the chosen solution would also be made. An organized process for making these decisions is the Kepner – Tregoe (K. T. ) approach. One of the unique features of each of the K. T. strategies is the way of displaying the data. In each case, situation appraisal problem analysis, decision analysis, and potential problem analysis would be used and lastly, analyzing the date listed in each table will help to reach a decision.Situation Appraisal Problems| Timing(H,M,L)| Trend(H,M,L)| Impact(H,M,L) | Next Process(PA,DA,PPA)| 1. 2. 3. | | | | | Problem Analysis | Is| Is Not| Distinction| Problem Cause| What| | | | | Where| | | | | When| | | | | Extent| | | | | Decision Analysis Potential Problems| Possible Causes| Preventive Actions| Contingent Plan| A. | 1. 2. | | | B. | 1. 2. | | | K. T. situation appraisal can be helpful when multiple problems are faced at the same time. Deciding the priority, evaluating criteria and deciding which action to take are to be done during situation appraisal.Each problem is measured against the criteria of timing, trend, and impact. These criteria are rated as warranting degree of concern, which are high (H), moderate (M), or low (L). Once the problem is known, decision analysis (DA) can be used. In the DA technique, the cause of the problem has been found and the decision at the present time is how to correct the problem. Once the decision is made, problem potential analysis (PPA) will ensure the success of the decision.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Atomic Bomb

In 1945, the United States made a decision that forever changed the face of warfare on this planet. That decision was to drop a brand new invention, the atomic bomb, on Japan. The atomic bomb was, and still is, the most feared weapon any nation could possess. This bomb took years to evolve into a useful weapon, and in this paper the timeline will unfold. Although the attack took place in 1945, the years of development are just as important. In all reality, Hitler played a major role in the development of the atomic bomb. It was his belief that Germans were better than Jews. This provoked one of the greatest minds in our history, Albert Einstein, to leave Germany. Einstein, who was a Jew, had enough money to flee Germany and settle in America. When Albert Einstein published his theory of relativity, Einstein asserted that matter (mass) and energy were two forms of the same thing. According to Einstein, if somehow we could transform mass into energy, it would be possible to "liberate" huge amounts of energy. However, a theory is only a theory until it is proven. During the next decade, a major step was taken in proving the theory of relativity when Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr described the structure of an atom more precisely. They said an atom consists of a positively charged core, the nucleus, and negatively charged electrons that revolve around the nucleus. It was the nucleus, scientists concluded, that had to be broken or "exploded" if atomic energy was to be liberated. In 1939, prior to the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify Uranium-235 which might in turn be used to build an atomic bomb. The letter, which bore only Einstein's signature, helped lend urgency to efforts in the U.S. to build the atomic bomb, even though Einstein himself played no role in the work and knew nothin... Free Essays on Atomic Bomb Free Essays on Atomic Bomb In 1945, the United States made a decision that forever changed the face of warfare on this planet. That decision was to drop a brand new invention, the atomic bomb, on Japan. The atomic bomb was, and still is, the most feared weapon any nation could possess. This bomb took years to evolve into a useful weapon, and in this paper the timeline will unfold. Although the attack took place in 1945, the years of development are just as important. In all reality, Hitler played a major role in the development of the atomic bomb. It was his belief that Germans were better than Jews. This provoked one of the greatest minds in our history, Albert Einstein, to leave Germany. Einstein, who was a Jew, had enough money to flee Germany and settle in America. When Albert Einstein published his theory of relativity, Einstein asserted that matter (mass) and energy were two forms of the same thing. According to Einstein, if somehow we could transform mass into energy, it would be possible to "liberate" huge amounts of energy. However, a theory is only a theory until it is proven. During the next decade, a major step was taken in proving the theory of relativity when Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr described the structure of an atom more precisely. They said an atom consists of a positively charged core, the nucleus, and negatively charged electrons that revolve around the nucleus. It was the nucleus, scientists concluded, that had to be broken or "exploded" if atomic energy was to be liberated. In 1939, prior to the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify Uranium-235 which might in turn be used to build an atomic bomb. The letter, which bore only Einstein's signature, helped lend urgency to efforts in the U.S. to build the atomic bomb, even though Einstein himself played no role in the work and knew nothin... Free Essays on Atomic Bomb Ever since the dawn of time man has found new ways of killing each other. The most destructive way of killing people known to man would have to be the atomic bomb. The reason why the atomic bomb is so destructive is that when it is detonated, it has more than one effect. The effects of the atomic bomb are so great that Nikita Khrushchev said that the survivors would envy the dead (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 1982). These devastating physical effects come from the atomic bomb’s blast, the atomic bomb’s thermal radiation, and the atomic bomb’s nuclear radiation. An atomic bomb is any weapon that gets its destructive power from an atom. This power comes when the matter inside of the atoms is transformed into energy. The process by which this is done is known as fission. The only two atoms suitable for fissioning are the uranium isotope U-235 and the plutonium isotope Pu-239 (Outlaw Labs). Fission occurs when a neutron, a subatomic particle with no electrical charge, strikes the nucleus of one of these isotopes and causes it to split apart. When the nucleus is split, a large amount of energy is produced, and more free neutrons are also released. These neutrons then in turn strike other atoms, which causes more energy to be released. If this process is repeated, a self-sustaining chain reaction will occur, and it is this chain reaction that causes the atomic bomb to have its destructive power (World Book, 1990). This chain reaction can be attained in two different ways. The first type of atomic bomb ever used was a gun-type. In this type two subcritical pieces of U-235 are placed in a device similar to the barrel of an artillery shell. One piece is placed at one end of the barrel and will remain there at rest. The other subcritical mass is placed at the other end of the barrel. A conventional explosive is packed behind the se... Free Essays on Atomic Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki On August 6, 1945, with no forewarning, the United States used its massive, secret weapon against Hiroshima, Japan. On August 6, 1945, the United States used its massive, secret weapon against Hiroshima, Japan. This atomic bomb, the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT, flattened the city, killing tens of thousands of civilians. While Japan was still trying to comprehend this devastation three days later, the United States struck again, this time, on Nagasaki. Hiroshima Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Jr., pilot of the ENOLA GAY, the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, waves from his cockpit before the takeoff, 6 August 1945. At 2:45 a.m. on Monday, August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, took off from Tinian, a North Pacific island in the Marianas, 1,500 miles south of Japan. The twelve-man crew (picture) were on board to make sure this secret mission went smoothly. Colonel Paul Tibbets, the pilot, nicknamed the B-29 the "Enola Gay" after his mother. Just before take-off, the plane's nickname was painted on its side. The Enola Gay was a B-29 Superfortress (aircraft 44-86292), part of the 509th Composite Group. In order to carry such a heavy load as an atomic bomb, the Enola Gay was modified: new propellers, stronger engines, and faster opening bomb bay doors. (Only fifteen B-29s underwent this modification.) Even though it had been modified, the plane still had to use the full runway to gain the necessary speed, thus it did not lift off until very near the water's edge.1 The Enola Gay was escorted by two other bombers which carried cameras and a variety of measuring devices. Three other planes had left earlier in order to ascertain the weather conditions over the possible targets. On a hook in the ceiling of the plane, hung the ten-foot atomic bomb, "Little Boy." Navy Captain William S. Parsons ("Deak"), chief of the Ordnance Division in the "Manhattan Project," was the Enola Gay's we... Free Essays on Atomic Bomb Atomic Bomb Analysis of the Atomic Bomb Ever since the dawn of time man has found new ways of killing each other. The most destructive way of killing people known to man would have to be the atomic bomb. The reason why the atomic bomb is so destructive is that when it is detonated, it has more than one effect. The effects of the atomic bomb are so great that Nikita Khrushchev said that the survivors would envy the dead (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 1982). These devastating physical effects come from the atomic bomb’s blast, the atomic bomb’s thermal radiation, and the atomic bomb’s nuclear radiation. An atomic bomb is any weapon that gets its destructive power from an atom. This power comes when the matter inside of the atoms is transformed into energy. The process by which this is done is known as fission. The only two atoms suitable for fissioning are the uranium isotope U-235 and the plutonium isotope Pu-239 (OutlawLabs). Fission occurs when a neutr on, a subatomic particle with no electrical charge, strikes the nucleus of one of these isotopes and causes it to split apart. When the nucleus is split, a large amount of energy is produced, and more free neutrons are also released. These neutrons then in turn strike other atoms, which causes more energy to be released. If this process is repeated, a self-sustaining chain reaction will occur, and it is this chain reaction that causes the atomic bomb to have its destructive power (World Book, 1990). This chain reaction can be attained in two different ways. The first type of atomic bomb ever used was a gun-type. In this type two subcritical pieces of U-235 are placed in a device similar to the barrel of an artillery shell. One piece is placed at one end of the barrel and will remain there at rest. The other subcritical mass is placed at the other end of the barrel. A conventional explosive is packed behind the seco...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Problem Solving in Mathematics

Problem Solving in Mathematics The main reason for learning about math is to become a better problem solver  in all aspects of life. Many problems are multistep and require some type of systematic approach. There are a couple of things you need to do when solving problems. Ask yourself exactly what type of information is being asked for:  Is it one of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?  Then determine all the information that is being given to you in the question. Mathematician George Pà ³lya’s book, â€Å"How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method,† written in 1957, is a great guide to have on hand. The ideas below, which provide you with  general steps or strategies to solve math problems, are similar to those expressed in Pà ³lya’s book and should help you untangle even the most complicated math problem. Use Established Procedures Learning how to solve problems in mathematics is knowing what to look for. Math problems often require established procedures and knowing what procedure to apply. To create procedures, you have to be familiar with the problem situation and be able to collect the appropriate information, identify a strategy or strategies, and use the strategy appropriately. Problem-solving  requires practice. When deciding on methods or procedures to use to solve problems, the first thing you will do is look for clues, which is one of the most important skills in solving problems in mathematics. If you begin to solve problems by looking for clue words, you will find that these words often indicate an operation. Look for Clue Words Think of yourself as a math detective. The first thing to do when you encounter a math problem is to look for clue words. This is one of the most important skills you can develop. If you begin to solve problems by looking for clue words, you will find that those words often indicate an operation. Common clue words for addition  problems: SumTotalIn allPerimeter Common clue words for  subtraction  problems: DifferenceHow much moreExceed Common clue words for multiplication problems: ProductTotalAreaTimes Common clue words for division problems: ShareDistributeQuotientAverage Although clue words will vary a bit from problem to problem, youll soon learn to recognize which words mean what in order to perform the correct operation. Read the Problem Carefully This, of course, means looking for clue words as outlined in the previous section. Once you’ve identified your clue words, highlight or underline them. This will let you know what kind of problem you’re dealing with. Then do the following: Ask yourself if youve seen a problem similar to this one. If so, what is similar about it?What did you need to do in that instance?What facts are you given about this problem?What facts do you still need to find out about this problem? Develop a Plan and Review Your Work Based on what you discovered by reading the problem carefully and identifying similar problems you’ve encountered before, you can then: Define your problem-solving strategy or strategies. This might mean identifying patterns, using known formulas, using sketches, and even guessing and checking.If your strategy doesnt work, it may lead you to an ah-ha moment and to a strategy that does work. If it seems like you’ve solved the problem, ask yourself the following: Does your solution seem probable?Does it answer the initial question?Did you answer using the language in the question?Did you answer using the same units? If you feel confident that the answer is â€Å"yes† to all questions, consider your problem solved. Tips and Hints Some key questions to consider as you approach the problem may be: What are the keywords in the problem?Do I need a data visual, such as a diagram, list, table, chart, or graph?Is there a formula or equation that Ill need? If so, which one?Will I need to use a calculator? Is there a pattern I can use or follow? Read the problem carefully, and decide on a method to solve the problem. Once youve finished working the problem, check your work and ensure that your answer makes sense and that youve used the same terms and or units in your answer.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Anti-Social Personality Disorder Research Paper

Anti-Social Personality Disorder - Research Paper Example Its treatment includes cognitive behavioral therapy, risperidone, home visiting programs, and skill based programs. In applying the religious and spiritual applications of this disorder, it is possible to apply a more holistic assessment of the disorder, especially for those who consider spiritual and religious beliefs as essential elements to their full recovery. Anti-Social Personality Disorder I. Introduction Antisocial personality disorder is one of the disorders diagnosed by the DSM-IV or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders as personality disorders. This disorder is largely based on manifestations of personality – personalities which deviate from the normal physiological and mental functions of individuals. The DSM-IV discusses the following criteria for qualifying antisocial personality disorder: evidence of conduct disorder before the age of 15; pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of rights of others since the age of 15, manifesting with atle ast three of the following behavior: failure to conform to social norms in relation to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors, indicated by repeated acts meriting arrest; deceitfulness, marked by repeated lying, use of aliases, tricking others to gain profit or pleasure; impulsiveness; irritability and aggressiveness, with repeated physical fights; reckless disregard for safety of others and of self; consistent irresponsibility, marked by repeated failure to sustain work behavior or honor financial responsibilities; lack of remorse marked by indifference, rationalizing being hurt or mistreated by another (Ogloff, 2006). They are also likely to use aggression and deception to promote their personal interests and to basically get what they want (Porter and Woodworth, 2007). This paper shall discuss the disease in its historical context, as well as current research on its causes. It shall discuss the treatment approaches for this disorder, including the benefits of such treatmen t. It shall also consider research as to the prevention of this illness as well as cross cultural issues pertaining to the topic. Finally, it shall discuss the topic from a Christian worldview perspective, including the disorder’s cause, treatment, and prevention. This topic is being considered with the hope of establishing a clear and comprehensive assessment of the subject matter. II. Historical context In a discussion by Million,, (as cited by Ogloff, 2006), the author set forth that psychopathy is one of the first personality disorders to be recognized in the field of psychiatry. Psychopathy originally referred to personality disorders seen as extreme forms of normal personalities. Practitioners have debated conditions characterized by antisocial behavior with the term manie sans delire coined in the 1700s to specify behavior from humans whose affective faculties have been discredited; critics point out however that it is a term which was useful only in court (Oglo ff, 2006). Throughout the years, various labels have been considered for the condition which has now been known simply as psychopathy. These labels included moral insanity, moral imbecility, degenerative constitution, and psychopathic taint. In the current context, antisocial personality disorder is applied in a much broader context than psychopathy;

Friday, November 1, 2019

Victimology and Victims Advocacy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Victimology and Victims Advocacy - Assignment Example 1) Victimology Victimology is the study into the escapades and behavior of victims may have led, fully or partially, to the predicament. Victim in this case refers to any individual who goes through injury, loss or adversity due to any cause. It isan indiscriminate term that refers to any person who undergoes negative experiences. Victimology is a scientific discipline that studies phenomena and victimization related causal relationships. It includes the study of events resulting in victimization, victim’s incident, outcome and actions taken by the victim’s society to counter cases of victimization. Victimology involves the study of vulnerabilities, people responses, recoveries, precursors, organizations and cultures connected to the victimization (Doerner & Lab, 2012). 2) History and development The term Victim has its origin in numerous languages and cultures that stretched from Asia to North-West Europe. These languages had like linguistic pattern. They included Old European, Latin, Old Norse, Sanskrit and Old German. However, it is Latin that has the closest term to victim, both in terms of pronunciation and meaning. Latin’s equivalent for Victim is victima-which means sacrifice or scapegoat- and its combination with the Greek term logos gave rise to the discipline called victimology. The word ‘victim’ was used as early as1776 criminologists such as Beccaria (1764), Garofalo (1885)and Lombroso (1876) among others. It was not until Benjamin Mendelsohn (1937; 1940) that the study of victims became an independent discipline. It was still Mendelson that proposed the adoption of victimology to define the discipline through his benchmark article â€Å"A New Branch of Bio- Psycho-Social Science, Victimology† that he published in mid 20th century. He studied victims and came up with the six type typology for victims. Only one of these six types includes an innocent victim that had nothing to do to his or her predicament, whi ch he termed as the innocent. All other five types involved victims who had a part in their own harm, which he referred to as victimization precipitation. Von Hentig, credited as the other father of victimology with Mendelsohn, advanced Mendelheson theory of victim precipitation by studying homicide victims. He came to the conclusion that certain types of individuals were victim prone. The probable types of victims included the depressive type, greedy type, wanton type and the tormentor. Schafer and Wolfgang are also notable contributors to the victimology. Victim assistance program were first adopted in 1972 in the US in California and Washington states. Two years later, Fort Launderdale, Florida stated a police based victim advocate project. In 1984, the Victims of Crime Act sets up a countrywide Crime Victims Fund from the federal crime fines kitty to compensate victims. In 1985, the UN adopts the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, becoming the first international breakthrough on the subject. Countries have since then entrenched Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power into their constitutions, such as Japan in 2005 (Worrell, 2001). 3) Difference with Criminology, sociology and psychology The main difference between criminology and victimology is in the subject of interest. Criminology is the study of criminals while victimology is the study

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Nursing Care Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Nursing Care Management - Essay Example This paper shall consider one care management episode from practice, assessing and evaluating the ways by which patient care is affected by negotiated, team performance, and multi-agency collaboration. It will discuss the impact of team work and the MDT on patient care. It will also discuss variables which impact on the efficacy of the team and the different programs of care. This paper will also analyse the ways by which my reflections and analysis will impact on my personal contributions for the team as a registered practitioner. The patient’s confidentiality will be protected at all times with assumed names assigned to individuals involved during my placement. The subject of this paper is Mrs. P, admitted to the hospital due to discomfort from her pubic catheter which already increased to moderate pain. She had one carer seeing her daily to manage her daily activities; but she got worse, and needed an increased care package as the carer could no longer manage her well. The fact that she was also asthmatic made the management more complicated. She stated that she needed 24 hour care and could no longer manage being alone at home. ... She was again sent home with pain medications and antibiotics which still did not do much to relieve her symptoms. Prior to her discharge, the pharmacy helped sort out her medications, with the doctor assessing her condition on a regular basis and assessing if she was stable enough to be discharged. These professionals also organized her discharge letter. The nurse attended to her daily needs and monitored her vital signs, as well as her symptoms. The physiotherapist evaluated her mobility and her daily activities. Social services also participated in her care in order to help manage her home needs by assigning carers before her discharge. Being a student nurse involved in the nursing management process, my role was to assess the patients assigned to me in terms of routine nursing roles. Nursing care also involves the evaluation of individual patient needs (Gaberson and Oermann, 2010). In patients with identified health issues, the management process would often include the assistanc e of the multidisciplinary care team. Teamwork in the hospital setting is very much important because it helps ensure the efficient management of the patient’s illness, often allowing their effective transition into the community setting, and preventing readmissions (Komatsu,, 2011). Teams are individuals working with each other using similar tools and methods, seeking common goals via group efforts, and eventually establishing services which are more complete and superior in quality (Komatsu,, 2011). In the hospital setting, there are various health professionals working with each other and sharing information with each other. Factors affecting the success of care programmes

Monday, October 28, 2019

Public Meeting Paper Essay Example for Free

Public Meeting Paper Essay The public meeting I went to was at the City Hall chambers building located in downtown El Paso at two civic center plaza drive. It was a regular City Hall Council meeting where voting sessions were conducted. City Council members and mayors of El Paso do these meetings to resolve problems and improve their city through funding, spreading awareness, and implementing laws. City Hall Council meetings are from Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. City Hall Council meetings allow and encourage public attendance and participation. The City Hall Council meeting I went to was Tuesday March 15th. It was three hours long, but I attended the first hour of the meeting from 8:30am to 9:30 am. At the beginning of the meeting there was a Spanish interpreter provided for Spanish speaking El Pasoans. There was also a sign language interpreter provided for people with special needs. Then there was a prayer thanking God’s grace for safety and prosperity and mentioning the devastating natural disaster in Japan, and asking God to have mercy on Japan and protect the U.S. from similar disasters. After that people were asked to stand in respect for the Pledge of Allegiance which was read by City Council members. Mayor Ann Morgan Lilly announced Mayor’s proclamations. First guest was Miss Shanaya Fastje Day who is an 11 year old girl. She spoke to kids about bullying and its impact and effect on kids. She discussed ways to prevent or at least reduce the cases of bullying. She also mentioned the ways on how kids should deal with bullying and who to reach to incase of such incidents. Mayors thanked her efforts especially Mayor Beto O’Rouke. Her father spoke about his daughter’s efforts and asked the city of El Paso to assist and help her to make her cause and efforts influential and effective. Mayor Pro Tempore Emma Acosta thanked her and asked to applause her. The second mayor proclamation was Franklin Mountain Poppies Preservation Day. Jody spoke about it and asked people to attend a celebration in the Northeast area of El Paso. The celebration was open to the public and is done every year near the Museum of Archaeology of El Paso. From what I understood it’s to preserve and breed poppies. Then a group kids identified as girl scouts but had no recognition. They greeted the City Council members as everyone does. The reason they came is in the hope to be inspired and to become City Council members or mayors themselves one day. Kids identified themselves by saying their names and then were thanked and left. Mayor’s proclamations continued and the following was National Brain Injury Awareness Month. This awareness month was March 2011 as approved by Mayor John Cook. The speaker was Nancy Peters who is the director of marketing for Mentis Neuro Rehab center for Brain Injury, and she is also the facilitator of El Paso Brain Injury Support Group. She spoke in general about brain injuries and mentioned statistics and the common ages for brain injuries which were kids from birth to four and from nine to fifteen. Then she allowed some of their patients to share their stories and testimonies. Most of the survivors stories were soldiers of Fort Bliss and veterans of the Iraq war and one of them was a victim of a car accident. They shared their stories and thanked Mentis for their efforts and help for them. Afterwards there was a call to the public where six members signed to talk. Their names are William Hart, Jerry Fade, Lisa Turner, Jorge Artalejo, Lynn Fitzgerald, and Manny Hinojosa. First was William Hart who spoke about anti immigration laws and how unjust they are. He compared anti immigration laws to slavery and segregation laws who were unjust, cruel, and inhumane. He also mentioned that being laws doesn’t make them good, because there are unjust laws being supported by lobbyists who pay money to law makers in the United States. He asked to get rid of such laws and to emphasize justice and compassion. He also mentioned that the United States is an immigrant country and that the founding fathers had values of freedom, equality, and justice. Also mentioned that most the immigrants come at a young age and know nothing and love nothing but the United States. The next speaker Jerry Fade was absent, so the third speaker was called. The third speaker was Lisa Turner who spoke about rolling blackouts of electricity and water. She blamed El Paso Electric Company and PSP. She said that they failed to do their jobs and that there was no excuse not to operate in cold weather as the generators and machines are made to operate in all climates. She complained about them not paying attention to their equipment and generators that are supposed to pump water and air to generate electricity. She questioned them spending enough money on maintenance and renewing their equipment and generators. She also said that an Ice storm in New Mexico affects El Paso because of no generator capacity. The fourth speaker was Jorge Artalejo and his topic was â€Å"the wind of change blows through the desert of El Paso†. He spoke about utilities are supposed to operate in different conditions. He also spoke about the city of El Paso elections. The fifth speaker was Lynn Fitzgerald and his topic was â€Å"Frank Buckles buried in Arlington National Semetary†. He complained about not having enough memorials in the United States to honor World War 1 veterans. He asked for a memorial in El Paso for all female soldiers who fought in The United States wars. He thanked all service men who fought for the United States and asked to honor them. Before he left he wanted to a share with everybody a picture that depicted the disastrous effect of the natural disaster in Japan. Final speaker was Manny Hinojosa and his topic was â€Å"Transparency†. He requested more transparency from the city of El Paso in matters such as money spending, electric company to be accountable, city’s help for the elderly, and computers ships planted in trash cans and their cost and benefit. He also asked them to improve their web site to be ahead of newspapers on what’s going on in El Paso. He also asked them to answer their emails, be clear or transparent, and to post issues or news on their web site as soon as possible. After the call to the public ended, there was the Consent Agenda where members of the audience can vote, and items that are not called are approved. Representative Robertson corrected things and asked questions. He also asked to delete incorrect postings and postpone discussions. Introductions for voting sessions began with item numbers and codes about specific cases. Most of the motions passed unanimously, some of which were about city elections, construction, and health. This was my first City Hall public meeting and it was a new experience to me. I liked the fact that I had the chance to witness how governments operate even if it was on a small scale such as cities. I think that the meeting was productive and positive and continued as expected without disturbances or shortcomings. The most important issue to be questioned during this meeting was about questioning El Paso Electric Company reliability and professionalism. I was there for the first hour of the three hours meeting, which I think is enough time to discuss and get things done.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Role of Women in Shakespears The Taming of the Shrew :: The Taming of the Shrew

Role of Women in The Taming of the Shrew "The Taming of the Shrew" is a great example of Shakespear's use of women. Shakespeare indeed does transcend the stereotypes of his own time. In Shakespeare's, "The Taming of the Shrew" the relationship between the sisters Katherine and Bianca appears to be strained with rampant jealousy. Both daughters fight for the attentions of their father. In twisted parallel roles, they take turns being demure and hag-like. Father of the two, Baptista Minola, fusses with potential suitors for young Bianca and will not let them come calling until his elder, ill-tempered daughter Katherine is married. The reader is to assume that meek, mild-mannered, delicate Bianca is wasting away while her much older, aging, brutish sister torments the family with her foul tongue. Katherine seems to hold resentment toward Bianca. Her father favors Bianca over Katherine and keeps them away from each others' torment. When gentlemen come calling, Bianca cowers behind her father and Katherine speaks up for herself. "I pray you sir, is it your will to make a stale of me amongst these mates?" (1.1.57-58) Bianca and Katherine dislike each other feverishly. Katherine torments Bianca with words and physical harm. She binds her hands, pulls her hair then brings her forth to her father and the gentlemen callers. Bianca denies liking any of the visitors and portrays herself an innocent that merely wants to learn and obey her elders. She says, "Sister, content you in my discontent to your pleasure humbly I subscribe. My books and instruments shall be my company, on them to look and practise by myself." (1.1.80-84) Because Katherine speaks freely and asserts herself she is labeled as "shrewish." When Hortensio describes her to Petruccio, he spews out that she is "renowned in Padua for her scolding tongue." ( 1.2.96) He gilds the lily further by clearly telling of her fair fortune if suitable man comes courting and wins her hand in marriage. Petruccio sees dollar signs and rushes onwards in grand dress and fluently gestures to court the gracious "Kate." When he first begins his ritual of winning the family and Katheri ne to his love, he is seeking his fortune in her dowry. The mention of her being at all undesirable does not put rocks in his path.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

“Competing for the Future” by Gary Hamel and C K Pralahad

The book, â€Å"Competing for the future† brings into fore the discussion of effective strategic management as a path towards the establishment of efficient organizations and companies for the future. Moreover, the book's objective is to create ways in which leaders, specifically managers, can help lead the path towards the creation and development of an effective strategy plan for the organization. The path towards the future, however, should not be misconstrued as a ‘race' in which organizations or companies must participate in. What Hamel and Pralahad brought into focus is the nature of the race towards the future, and this was aptly stated in the book (25): There is not one future but hundreds. There is no law that says most companies must be followers. Getting to the future first is not just about outrunning competitors bent on reaching the same prize. It is also about having one's own view of what the prize is. There can be as many prizes as runners†¦In business†¦what distinguishes leaders from laggards, and greatness from mediocrity, is the ability to uniquely imagine what could be. Given this thesis of the book, the authors began their discussion by making it clear that in strategic planning, members of the organization must have a ‘vision,' the ability to imagine things beyond the scope of reality. That is, organizations and companies must also ‘dream,' create ambitions that have not been always considered â€Å"realistic,† yet feasible enough to be accomplished provided the strategy is well-thought out and effectively implemented (145). Of course, it is vital to consider that the process towards the establishment of an effective strategic plan is to bring together all members of the organization, because to delegate the task to a specific group would mean foresightedness in the part of the manager. The authors recommend that for full participation among members in the organization become possible, managers should plan to make each member educated about the whole process in which the organization/company operates (146). Re-educating members/employees ensures that they are able to understand how the organization/company works, and can provide suggestions or recommendations that can be beneficial not only to one department or sector of the organization, but also to the whole organization. The process described above illustrates the authors' view of what â€Å"resource leverage† should be: an acknowledgment of the organization's existing resources, and what can be generated as new resources from these existing ones. Thus, putting leverage on resources may be accomplished through converging, targeting, mining, blending, balancing, recycling, co-opting, and protecting these resources (160-173). Central also to the discussion of strategic management is establishing an organizations ‘core competencies.' The authors define core competencies as those activities that are an â€Å"integral part of the process of general management† (225). This does not only include specific products and/or activities, but all activities and products must be considered as potential core competency. The bigger and more difficult task is in identifying an organization's core competencies; surely there would be activities that specific members of the organization may consider as core, but the authors clarify that these activities becomes a core competency when it is an inevitable and essential part of the organization's daily activities and operations (226). Integrating together the authors' recommendations, â€Å"Competing for the future† brings into light how managers have the foremost goal of creating strategies that integrates the thoughts expressed in the book. This includes creating the â€Å"big dream,† opening up to the possibility that ambitious goals propels companies and organization towards the front race to the future, re-educating employees/members about the organization's daily operations, and identifying core competencies in preparation to the creation of a core competence agenda.